Letters and recommendations

Thank you letters always move us, they are the moment when everything becomes worthy and meaningful.

Over the years we have received thousands of requests for assistance, most of them touching and revealing the human difficulty in daily existence. Sometimes these are families who have a hard day and sometimes lone soldiers, elderly people, young people and children. We do our best to help everyone and reach out in times of need. No one is left behind. In the year of Corona, we were exposed to the intensification of difficulties, small business owners who stopped working, families who had difficulty making ends meet, lonely elderly people and many others.

We were surprised by the intensity of the need for assistance, but most of all we were amazed by the kindness of those seeking help.

Here is a small collection of letters of thanks or requests for assistance addressed to us during the year 2020-2021, the year of the Corona that will not soon be forgotten. These emphasize how important it is that we are all always busy giving and giving back from all the abundance we have, to give back to the community, to be partners in meaningful action. We invite you to volunteer and be active in the Hasadi Eran association, to help us continue the extensive annual activity.

A small collection of thank you letters…

This is the place to thank for the mobilization of the people in the community to produce this good, thanks to them we succeed every week in turning the dream and vision of the Hasadi Eran association into something real, which changes the lives of many every day.

On this occasion we would like to thank Suzy and Shalom, our dear activists and Suzy’s brother Shay. who do everything to reach the families and soldiers on time, to hand out tokens and food packages. Always willing to help, we congratulate you, that you will always be on the giving side, always appreciate and cherish, your work and the work of all the dear volunteers working in the association.