About the association

Introducing “Hasadi Eran”

The “Hasadi Eran” organization was established in 2008 by Sharon Elkaoui, the brother of the late Sergeant Eran Elkaoui, who fell in battle against Hezbollah in 1992. From a place of mourning and immense loss, Sharon decided to dedicate his life to perpetuating the memory of Eran through action and contribution to the community, based on the same values that Eran instilled in his life and death—values of honesty, reliability, giving, patience, and open-heartedness.

Sharon, who currently serves as the organization’s chairman, believes that the ability to give and assist is a right and not an obligation and that Israeli society should nurture people in need from a place of personal responsibility and a sense of duty. Therefore, the “Hasadi Eran” organization is a nonprofit organization, and he, along with all the organization’s volunteers, works on a full and unpaid voluntary basis to help lone soldiers and soldiers and soldiers coming from impoverished backgrounds.

While the operational activities of the association are carried out flawlessly with the goodwill of volunteers from all over the country, the organization’s activities are based on donations from companies, businesses, and individuals. With the winning combination of the will to help and contribute, the “Hasadi Eran” organization continues and upholds Eran’s legacy, extending a helping hand to soldiers who need it the most.

Every year, “Hasadi Eran” works for the benefit of lone soldiers and combat soldiers who have to deal with the numerous risks and challenges in their military service and face severe economic difficulties. Based on the belief that our soldiers are the “beating heart” of the State of Israel, the organization sends hundreds of food packages throughout the year and during holidays, filled with various products for soldiers in need and their families. Additionally, the organization provides shopping vouchers worth tens of thousands of shekels, allowing them to purchase additional items to carry out their service with maximum comfort (as much as possible). All this is done through the voluntary efforts of all the contributors involved.