Our Goals & Vision for the Future

A society that doesn’t care for the weak is frail. This is not another quote, a cliché, or a theoretical concept. In countries where fragile populations don’t get enough aid, there is more crime, the economy is less stable, and many people live in poverty. In Israel, the poverty cycle continues to grow yearly, and many of those in need are lone soldiers and soldiers from low-income families. These young individuals chose to enlist in the IDF for the security of the State of Israel. Our duty as Israeli society is to extend a supporting hand and ensure they go through their military service with maximum comfort, physically and emotionally.

The main goal of the “Hasadi Eran” organization is to assist those soldiers in every need at any given time, and to do so; we need your help. Every year, the organization assists thousands of soldiers, and we operate with the hope that through our collective efforts and giving, we can help them both in the present and the future.

While “Hasadi Eran” organization was founded with a clear vision of helping soldiers, our vision has expanded following additional human needs. Every year, as we become aware of more and more soldiers in need, we learn and understand the magnitude of our mission, and we have decided to do everything in our power to reach every one of them. To continue and expand our range of activities, the organization operates around the clock to increase the scope of donations and recruit additional volunteers to join our forces.

The Goals of the Organization are as Follows:

To recruit numerous donations to sustain the organization's activities and assist thousands of soldiers nationwide.

To continue providing monthly support to lone soldiers and soldiers from disadvantaged backgrounds and their families.

To continue distributing purchase vouchers to soldiers yearly based on personal assessment.

To serve soldiers on an individual basis and be a source of assistance for them at any time and on any issue.

To increase the number of special activities, including assistance in packaging food baskets during holidays, organizing commemoration events for IDF soldiers, and more.

How do we Locate the Soldiers?

While “Hasadi Eran” organization receives referrals for assistance from welfare agencies, many soldiers in need of our help directly approach the association through direct recommendations from commanders, acquaintances, and even public figures. After a thorough evaluation conducted by the organization, our volunteers begin personalized assistance actions tailored to their needs.


Please Help us to continue with our Work.

We at “Hasadi Eran” organization believe that through giving, tolerance, and respect for others, we can narrow gaps and build a stronger and thriving society. Please believe in our vision and assist us through donations. Every donation helps the organization expand the circle of assistance and extend a helping hand to all those soldiers in need.

***The organization is an NPO (Non-Profit Organization), without salaried employees or management! ***

Help us to help others, and donate heartily because every donation assists us in continuing our work! 

You can donate on our website, and may you always be on the giving side.